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Jobs / Stories of Hope /

‘God has led me to my job’

  By John B. When I was in a recovery program in March 2018, I was introduced to JobsPlus. I learned so much, not only about resumes and how to interview, but also the spiritual side to living my purpose that God had in store for me. When I applied for a job at a…

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Stories of Hope /

Today’s heroes: Our 2,500 volunteers

By Robin Wagner Director of Volunteers, City Gospel Mission During this national Volunteer Appreciation Week, we give our sincere thanks for each of you – over 2,500 strong – who give your time and effort to build into the lives of so many people who need uplifted. You are the bedrock of our organization, and…

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Food & Shelter / Stories of Hope /

Today’s heroes: Holiday volunteers

By Angela Allen VP of Church Partnerships, City Gospel Mission During this national Volunteer Appreciation Week, we give our sincere thanks for each of you – over 2,500 strong – who give your time and effort to build into the lives of so many people who need uplifted. You are the bedrock of our organization,…

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Recovery / Stories of Hope /

Chip: Overdose to overcomer

  By Chip S. 2019 Recovery graduate Pain pills and heroin ultimately led me to City Gospel Mission. I’ve been here since Feb. 21st of 2019. I hurt myself playing softball and went to my doctor. That’s when my addiction to pain pills started. It gave me an escape. I didn’t have to deal with…

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Jobs / Stories of Hope /

Nick gets a job & his daughter & son back

  By Nick S. JobsPlus graduate A couple years ago I was getting treatment for drug use. It got to the point where my daughter had been taken from me. My lawyer said, “You can give her to someone in your family. You can do what you’re supposed to do to get her back. Or…

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